Monday, July 30, 2012

3 Tasks to Complete Before Making a Sales Call to a Prospective Client

Do your homework. Blindly pitching companies for business without taking the time to understand the company will likely result in wasted time and lack of credibility. Here are three tasks you should complete before making a sales call to a prospect: 

1. Develop a call script. Prepare your thoughts by writing down what you will ask and how you will respond to particular questions. This preparation will increase your confidence which will come across through your voice. 

2. Research the website.  Did the company recently win an award for customer service or best website design? Acknowledge this award during your call and it will show you care enough about the company to learn more about it.

3. Seek out the competition. Does the business have a tough competitor? How can your service help position the company more strategically in the marketplace? 
Preparation is key and the initial research will result in a more successful and effective sales pitch. 
photo credit: massdistraction via photo pin cc

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