Sunday, December 28, 2008

A charity worth its weight in water

Even with the holidays almost over, we’re all still feeling the economic pinch... BUT, we all still want to find a way to help others, and I found an amazing charity that makes it hard not to. I also love that supporting a worthy cause can be as simple as a visit to and a few clicks of a mouse — without ever reaching for my credit card.

I came across charity:water during a chat with Natalie Blacker, founder of Ladies Lotto. She was organizing an event in support of the non profit and wanted Thinkbig Media's client - OneHope Wine to pour at the event.

It's an outstanding organization so if you want to learn more or make a donation go to

Here is a staggering statistic: Right now, 1.1 billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water. That's one in six of us.

charity:water is a non profit organization that provides clean, safe drinking water to developing nations. They give 100% of the money raised to their project costs - funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need. Additionally, charity:water works to spread awareness of the water crisis through provoking marketing campaigns, celebrity endorsements and fund raising events. The public awareness campaign is unique and has spread virally on-and-off line. I highly recommend checking it out.

Does anyone know of other ways to help out good causes, even on a budget?

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